Simeonie Kaernerk

Simeonie Kaernerk was born in 1932 across from the community that is now Pond Inlet. His first testimony includes information about encounters between the Inuit, HBC, DEW Line workers and the RCMP. He discusses how the RCMP started controlling Inuit hunting. Elders used to have the authority in camps. He remembers that his family moved into the community because his children were required to attend school. He highlights the importance of dogs for the survival of the Inuit. His second testimony includes information about his experiences, which included moving bodies from one location to another. Along with three other men, he was required to move the bodies by the hamlet so that houses could be built in the community in 1964. He remembers that they were not given any assistance. He remembers being rushed but also doing his best not to disturb the bodies. He has vivid and painful memories of this experience. None of the four men were ever compensated for their work.