Sandy Kelly

Sandy Kelly was born in 1954 west of Kimmirut (Lake Harbour). He grew up in Iqaluit and moved to Kinngait in 1984. His lengthy testimony includes a description of two episodes of dog slaughter perpetrated by RCMP officers in Iqaluit. The incidents resulted in the loss of his father’s whole dog-team and his own dog. He witnessed the slaughter as a child. Sandy describes the hardships of life in Iqaluit without dogs to help with hunting. He holds deep resentment toward the police, especially since he planned to take over his father’s dog-team. His education and skills in English allowed him to become a social worker, a taxi driver and then a business man. He survived a boating accident in Kinngait and was shocked by the way the police treated him afterwards. Sandy also experienced racism while he was in the Canadian army.