Jacopie Nuqingaq

Jacopie Nuqingaq was born in 1942. He grew up in a camp located between Qikiqtarjuaq and Clyde River. Jacopie’s testimony includes information on hunting in this area. When he was 30 years old, Jacopie married and moved to Pallavik. While living there, he recalls that he was forced to relocate and that the people of his community were intimidated by the Qallunaaq and resisted very little. Once the people relocated to Qikiqtarjuaq, Jacopie recalls that their dogs were slaughtered. He states that he had nine dogs at the time. Jacopie recalls that Bob Pilot was involved in the dog shootings. He does not know how the dog carcasses were disposed of. To this day, Jacopie still does not understand why they were forced to move.